PGATK File Formats

The ProteoGenomics Analysis ToolKit is based on standard proteomics formats developed by HUPO-PSI and Genomics Standard file formats. This section is to highlight in 10 minutes the most important features of those file formats, How they are used in PGATK and you can contribute to their development.


It is important to notice that this Help page only provides the fundamentals of each file format used in PGATK, for more details we provide links to the original documentation of the File format.

BED Format


BED *(Browser Extensible Data) format provides a flexible way to define the data lines that are displayed in an annotation track UCSC Bed Definition. BED lines have three required fields and nine additional optional fields. The number of fields per line must be consistent throughout any single set of data in an annotation track. The order of the optional fields is binding: lower-numbered fields must always be populated if higher-numbered fields are used.


If your data set is BED-like, but it is very large (over 50MB) and you would like to keep it on your own server, you should use the bigBed data format.

The pedBed Fields and Properties supported by PGATK:

Field (bold are required) Description Example
chrom The name of the chromosome chr3
chromStart The starting position of the feature in the chromosome or scaffold 1000
chromEnd The ending position of the feature in the chromosome or scaffold 5000
name Defines the label of the BED line. GPATK annotate peptide sequence K(Phospho)SR
score A score between 0 and 1000. 1000
strand Defines the strand. Either “.” (=no strand) or “+” or “-“.
thickStart The starting position at which the feature is drawn thickly.  
thickEnd The ending position at which the feature is drawn thickly 5000
itemRgb An RGB value that will determine the display color of BED line color (0,0,255)
blockCount The number of blocks (exons) in the BED line.  
blockSizes A comma-separated list of the block sizes.  
blockStarts A comma-separated list of block starts.  
proteinAccession Protein accession number  
transcriptAccession Transcript Accession  
peptideSequence Peptide Sequence with no PTMs added  
proteinUniqueness Peptide uniqueness (See color code color)  
transcriptUniqueness Peptide uniqueness (See color code color)  
genomeReferenceVersion Genome reference version number  
psmScore Best PSM score  
fdr False-discovery rate  
modifications Coma separated list of Post-translational modifications  
peptideRepeatCount Peptide Counting  
datasetAccession Dataset Identifier  
uri Uniform Resource Identifier  


If the field content is to be empty the space should be field with a “.”


BED input files (and input received from stdin) are tab-delimited. The following types of BED files are supported by PGATK:

  • BED4: A BED file where each feature is described by chrom, start, end, and name. (e.g. chr1 11873 14409 VLADIMIR)
  • BED6: A BED file where each feature is described by chrom, start, end, name, score, and strand. (e.g. chr1 11873 14409 VLADIMIR 0 +)
  • BED12: A BED file where each feature is described by all twelve columns listed above. (Default option in all tools)
  • BED12+11: A complete Bed file including required fields and optionals.


Uniqueness Colors:

Colour Description
_images/uniquetranscript.svg Peptide is unique to single gene AND single transcript
_images/uniquegene.svg Peptide is unique to single gene BUT shared between multiple transcripts
_images/notunique.svg Peptide is shared between multiple genes

Modified Peptides Colors:

Like BED but containing the location of the post-translational modification on the genome. Thick parts of the peptide blocks indicate the position of the post-translational modification on a single amino acid (short thick block) while longer blocks indicate the occurrence of the first and last post-translational modification and residues in between. In the PTMBED the colour code is changed to indicate the type of modification.

Colour Post-translational Modification
_images/phospho.svg Phosphorylation (phospho)
_images/acetyl.svg Acetylation (acetyl)
_images/amidated.svg Amidation (amidated)
_images/oxidation.svg Oxidation (oxidation)
_images/oxidation.svg Oxidation (oxidation)
_images/methyl.svg Methylation (methyl)
_images/glygly.svg Ubiquitinylation (glygly; gg)
_images/sulfo.svg Sulfation (sulfo)
_images/palmitoyl.svg Palmitoylation (palmitoyl)
_images/formyl.svg Formylation (formyl)
_images/deamidated.svg Deamidation (deamidated)
_images/any.svg Any other post-translational modification

Additional Files formats

Peptide Atlas Peptide List

PeptideAtlas released every month/year a list of peptides that has been found/identified by MS/MS (see the list here). The PGATK support the output list as input of some of the tools such as pepgenome .

Column Field Description
1 peptide_accession Peptide Accession (PAp06389395)
2 peptide_sequence Peptide Sequence
3 best_probability Best Peptide Probability
4 n_observations Spectral counting
    More properties not used


For our pipelines and tools the order of the column is important.


A full pipeline to map the PeptideAltas peptide evidences to Genome Coordinates can be found here.